New York is the 27th largest state in land area.
New York is not the smallest state; Rhode Island is. New York is ranked 27th in land size.
40,321,569, 069 square inches
The size of New York State, in terms of land mass, is 54, 555 square miles. For more information and statistics about New York State, see the Related Link below for the Wikipedia entry.
New york or rhode island! DONT HURT ME
Probably New York. If I'm wrong don't hurt me.
New York
The State of New York has more land than buildings. The City of New York may have more buildings than land.
New York is the 27th largest US state.
There are 11 regions in New York.
New York, in population and size.
The piece of land New York is on was given to the Duke of York as payment for a debt. Naturally, the Duke named the piece of land New York because he is Duke of York.