Western Australia is the largest state by area. It takes up about one third of Australia's total land area.
Australia's largest state: Western Australia. Australia's smallest state: Tasmania
Western Australia is the largest Australian state in size.
Western Australia is Australia's largest state.
Western Australia is the largest state in the world.
Australia's largest state by area is Western Australia.The next largest in area is Queensland.
The largest territory inAustralia is the Northern Territory.The largest state in Australia is Western Australia.
Australia's largest island is the entire state of Tasmania. It lies south of the mainland, on the eastern side.
The largest state in the USA is Alaska. In Australia, the largest state is Western Australia.
Perth is significant as it is the largest city in the western half of Australia, being the capital of Western Australia, the largest state by area in Australia.
Cape Leeuwin is in the far southwest of Western Australia, Australia's largest state.
Cape Leeuwin is in the far southwest of Western Australia, Australia's largest state.