The most important last name in Brazil is Silva. There are also many other less popular names such as Santos, Oliveira and Souza, the latter of which has with variations: Sousa (with 's') and Souza (with 'z'), which have the same pronounciation.
The most popular last name in India is Patel.
The most popular last name in Russia is IVANOV.
Garcia. It is the 8th most popular last name in America, making it the 1st most popular HISPANIC last name in America.
Well its not really a popular last name its Reed.
The most popular last name I would think would be... Young, Thomas, or Williams
The most popular Hispanic last name starting with G is Garcia.
The most popular last name in Croatia is Babić.
The most popular surname is Cohen.
The most popular last name in Taiwan is Chen.
The most popular last name in North Korea is Kim. Other popular last names in North Korea include Park and Lee.