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Evangelion or Madoka Magica

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Q: What is the number 1 anime in japan?
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Which is the biggest anime making country japan or china?

Japan For Sure! I know this because 1.I love anime 2.i live in japan!!!

How many fans does anime have?

By my estimate, the number of anime fans in the world is about the same as the total population of the country of Japan.

How was Anime born?

anime was created in Japan

Does anime only come from Japan?

Well anime is the Japanese abbreviated pronunciation of "animation." Anime is what you call cartoons from Japan.

What does anime mean in japan?

Anime is short for animation.

What country did Animism originate?

Anime Originated From The Japanese. (Japan =) )

Where are seiko anime located?

Seiko Anime is located in Japan where anime originates. Although anime has gained a little interest in the United States, it is nowhere near the popularity it still has in Japan.

Why is anime made in japan?

Anime originates from Japan where they have numerous studios dedicated to the production of animated films and series .

Is anime from Japan?

Yes, anime is the Japanese abbreviated pronunciation of animation.

Is watching anime looked down on in japan?

Anime comes from japan, it's popularity is immense. How can it be looked down upon there?

Anime is Chinese and besides there is lots of anime in china it is not rare go to hell?

Baka >_> Anime is originally from Japan. You can look it up on the internet. Anime - Japanese animated movie a.k.a. cartoon! And to top it all of, it always says Japanese series or something similar to that. And the artists of all anime like Naruto, Inuyasha, DBZ ect. are from JAPAN! [I <3 Japan x3] japan, japan, japan...anyway, you can tell the difference between Japanese and Chinese language immediatelly...they're completely different, so telling what anime is from japan and what from china, won't really be a problem for those who watch anime regulary ^^Yes and there are more than just Japanese anime as well...but Anime is originally from japan yet it is based off of Disney which is kinda weird...-.-"

Is RWBY an anime?

No , RWBY is an anime-styled American production whereas anime originates from only Japan .