1 US Dollar equals 174.85 Nigerian Naira while $857,878.18 = 150,000,000.00 Nigerian naira1 US Dollar equals 174.85 Nigerian Naira while $857,878.18 = 150,000,000.00 Nigerian naira
1 Philippine Peso = 2.46772 Nigerian Naira
1 Philippine Peso = 2.46772 Nigerian Naira
1 U.S. dollar = 117.744024 Nigerian naira
1 U.S. Dollar is worth 359.50 Nigerian Naira. (2/1/2018)
one us dollar is 150.761345 Nigerian Nairas
The Awori tribe is traditionally are found in Ogun State and Lagos State, Nigeria. The currency of the nation of Nigeria is the Nigerian Naira and one Naira is equal to .01 USD.
Honey, a bundle of a thousand naira notes consists of 100 pieces. So, if you're looking to make it rain with some Nigerian cash, just remember you'll need a hundred of those bad boys to make a bundle. Hope that helps, sugar!
The annual salary of a governor in Nigeria is 1.9 million naira. One Nigerian naira equals 0.0062 US dollar. In addition to a salary, the governor receives many different types of subsidies and benefits.
Numerical value of 1000 is 1000. If you want to convert this to another currency, check the latest exchange rate at a site such as www.xe.com.
u can turn 1million naira to 1billion naira by adding 6 zeros to 1million has in 1000000>>>1000000000000
The currency in Nigeria is the Naira. At current rates about 170 Naira are equal to ONE US Dollar.