The Party Line number is (602)-624-4444 for cell phones.
For house phones the number is 62444444
The Party Line number is (602)-624-4444 for cell phones. For house phones the number is 62444444 ENJOY ;0
Party line number is to chat to people
the party conformation number for the on-line game bear ville
Well, honey, party lines are so last century! If you want to reach out and chat with your neighbors in Phoenix, just dial 602 and the last four digits of their number. But remember, keep the gossip classy!
The Party Line number is (602)-624-4444 for cell phones. For house phones the number is 62444444 ENJOY ;0
818-812-4300 that phone number doesn't work anymore.
What party line is Max Bacchus?
Alexis Marchand invented the party line. Patent was stolen by AT&T.
The duration of Party Line with The Hearty Boys is 1800.0 seconds.
Wat is the rrect wedding party line up for the wedding party, as they enter the recepion hall???