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It means that everyone is a happy family in their social group.

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Q: What is the percentage of Seattle's ethnicity?
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oh yeah baby

What percentage of Boy Scouts are African American?

The Boy Scouts of America has not released data on ethnicity.

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No, they use seattles best.

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There by the sea and there's lots of Hawks in Seattle.

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it made it grow smaller and die

What state is home to the Seattle Mariners Seattles supersonic and the Seattle Seahawks?

Washington, but the Sonics were bought out of Seattle.

What is the ethnicity percentage in Manhattan?

54% white, 17.4% black, 9.4% Asian, 27.2% hispanic(of any race)

What was the fastest-growing nonwhite ethnicity (by percentage) in Alaska between 1990 and 2000?

alaska native population increase

What percentage of Eagle Scouts are Mormons?

The BSA has not released detailed statistics on Eagle Scouts by age, race, ethnicity or religion.

What is an example sentence for ethnicity?

Her ethnicity is Vietnamese, but she was born and raised in the United States.


My personal ethnicity