It is the 26th most populated US State.
Kentucky is the 15th state not Illinois look it up!!
2010 resident census population (rank): 4339367 (26)
Kentucky population is 4,339,367 and it is the 26th most populous state.
The size of Kentucky's land is 40,395 sq. mi.; rank 37th.
It is the 26th state by population.
37th in total area with 40,409.02 square miles.
With 40,409 square miles Kentucky ranks 37th in total area among the US States.
Substitute teachers in Kentucky make between $70.95 to $105.08, depending on several factors such as rank and amount of education they have received. See related links below.
Normal Rank Bronze Rank Silver Rank Gold Rank Diamond Rank super Rank Hyper Rank Master Rank Master Rank* Master Rank** Master Rank*** Guild Master Rank Secret Rank (Save Scizor from Crevice Cave)
The ranks are: Normal Rank, Bronze rank, Silver Rank, Gold Rank, Diamond Rank, Super Rank, Ultra Rank, Hyper Rank, Master Rank, Master * Rank, Master ** Rank, Master *** Rank, and Guildmaster Rank.