

Best Answer

The question is too imprecise for a proper answer. It is not clear whether you want the ratio of agricultural products in Mississippi compared to:

  • agricultural products in other states,
  • non-agricultural products in mississippi,
  • total number of agriculture products, and so on.
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Q: What is the ratio of agricultural products in Mississippi?
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Related questions

What agricultural products are produced in Mississippi?

the products are chicken,cows and milk

what is the agricultural product in Mississippi?

Agriculture products in Mississippi include chickens, cotton, and soybeans.

What is agricultural productivity?

It is measured as the ratio of agricultural outputs to agricultural inputs. While individual products are usually measured by weight, their varying densities make measuring overall agricultural output difficult.

What does Mississippi produce?

• Broiler (meat) chicken and soybeans are Mississippi's most valuable agricultural products. • Cotton is grown in the northwest part of the state, and the northeast part grows the majority of the cotton. • Cattle farms are common in all parts of Mississippi except the Mississippi Delta. • Mississippi ranks fourth nationally for the production of rice. The crop was valued at $178 million dollars in 2009.

What is agricultural producs of Mississippi?


Why did Mississippi from its beginning seem destined to be an agricultural state?

Why from the beginning Mississippi was distant to be agricultural state

the main products Mississippi?

Major exports of Mississippi include soybeans, cotton, and chickens. Agriculture and industrial exports are commonly throughout the state, but are largely sent out via ports along the Gulf of Mexico.

What is the state's major agricultural region in Mississippi?

Agriculture is the major industry in Mississippi. Cotton, soybeans and rice are the major agriculture products. Also grown are substantial quantities of corn for grain, rice, and sweet potatoes.

Where can you bordens dairy products in south Mississippi?

Borden's dairy products in south Mississippi

Is agricultural products an oligopoly?


Where can I buy agricultural products from?

Hello. You can buy agricultural products from this website: They provide global trade here.

What do pepople in Vietnam eat?

Inland, hogs/chickens/agricultural products; Along the coast, fish/agricultural products.