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Q: What is the ratio of cars to people in California?
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What is the ratio cars to people?

There are 254,212,610 registered passenger vehicles in the US in 1012 and the population of the US is 313 million. So put in terms of ratio that is about 1:0.8 people/cars

How do people in California move around?

The get into their cars and drive on the free way.

Give an everyday example of a ratio?

An example of a ratio in everyday life is the ratio of red cars to blue cars in a parking lot. If there are 20 red cars and 10 blue cars, the ratio of red cars to blue cars would be 2:1.

Express this ratio as a fraction in reduced form 180 cars for every 100 people?

180/100 = 18/10 = 9/5 which means 9 cars for every 5 people

What was ratio of women to men in California in mid-19th century?

what is the ratio of women to men in California?

Are there any car incentives going on right now for California?

California has many car incentives right now, especially to encourage people to buy "greener" cars. Among these is a $3400 tax credit for people who buy diesel cars, and a $3400 tax credit for people who buy hybrid cars. These tax credits are the maximum value, and can be lower depending on how you file.

Which brands of cars are made in California?

Some brands of cars which are made in California include the cars made by General Motors. Toyota also has a car manufacturing plant in California as does Chrysler.

Write the ratio of 25 cars to 15 cars in lowest terms?


What US state has the most women?

California has the most women as well as the most people.

Are black cars banned in California?

No, black cars are not being banned in California, they did consider to do so in 2009, but then decided not to.

Work in Washington but live in California-which state is better to buy a car in?

I suggest California because most people go there to bet and there must be amazing cars.

What is the ratio of 12 compact cars to 21 full-sized cars in a parking lot reduced to lowest terms?

Simplifying ratio 12:21 gives you 4:7