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i think 4000 cedis a month or more

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Q: What is the salary and pay rate for actuaries in Ghana?
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What is the pay rate or salary range of a singer?

the salary rate for a singer depends on the gigs booked and how much the gigs are worth

Is pay rate is what you make an hour?

no pay rate can mean salary/ per annum. or even piece rates.

What is the average pay rate for a bricklayer in Virginia?

Average Salary: $41,828

What is a starting salary?

That is the initial pay rate for a person who is not an hourly employee.

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What is the average pay rate for Denver jobs?

I believe it has an average salary of $53,640. Average salary amounts to $22.84 an hour. Including average salary, bonus, and total pay. A similar analysis by Thomas last year of BLS salary data for 2009.

How calculate salary?

Salary can be calculated many ways. You can break down your yearly salary by dividing it by the amount of pay periods in which you work to determine how much one makes per pay. Or you could take your salary per pay, and divide it by how many hours worked to determine the hourly rate in which you are paid.

What is A hip hop dancers salary and pay rate?

how much does a hip hop dancer make?????

What does pay at leaving mean?

It's asking for your rate of pay or salary before you left that job. NB if it was a salary and you had a pay rise during the year you should give the annual value of the raised amount. Also if you are part time on a salary should either should the salary if you where full time of state how many hours you worked.

Is base salary the same as hourly rate?

No, Base Salary is your yearly income before commissions or bonuses. This Figure is before taxes are deducted Hourly rate is a set wage that you charge or earn for work performed. Hourly rate Formula: Divide annual rate of basic pay by 2,087 hours. $55000 Base salary = $26.36 Hourly rate

How much do museum jobs generally pay?

Some museums pay minimum wage. Others pay a salary based rate. It would depend on what museum you would work at and where the museum is. The bigger museums would more then likely pay salary based wages.

Starting salary at Lowes?

Unskilled pay rate starts in the range of 8.00hr skilled pay rate is usually between 12.00-14.00 sometimes a little higher . To get above that you usually have to get into a management position.