France is closest in size to Thailand. It has land area by 94% of Thailand. Thailand - 513120 square kilometers France - 545600 square kilometers
From Phnom Penh, Cambodia to Washington DC, US it is 8957 miles (14414 kilometers)
The length of the Mekong River in Cambodia is approximately 486 kilometers, flowing from the border with Laos in the north to the border with Vietnam in the south. It is an important waterway for transportation, fishing, and agriculture in Cambodia.
The air distance from Siem Reap, Cambodia, to Baltimore, Maryland, is, 8,809 miles. That equals 14,175 kilometers or 7,654 nautical miles.
$172 millionSpell check your answer
68898 sq mi
Total area 181,035 square kilometers, about the size of the U.S. state of Missouri; country shares 803-kilometer border with Thailand on north and west, 541-kilometer border with Laos on northeast, 1,228-kilometer border with Vietnam on east and southeast, for a total of 2,572 kilometers of land borders; coastline along Gulf of Thailand about 443 kilometres.
Yes. Its population is the size of Boston.
The air distance from Phnom Penh, Cambodia, to Liverpool, England, is 6,298 miles. That equals 10,135 kilometers or 5,472 nautical miles.
The air distance from Seoul, South Korea, to Phnom Penh, Cambodia, is 2,251 miles. That equals 3,623 kilometers or 1,956 nautical miles.
11,903 square kilometers