It's width is 342 miles, and it's greatest length at the little panhandle at the southwestern tip is 370 miles. Highest point is Wheeler Peak at 13,167 feet [4,013.3m], and the lowest point is Red Bluff Reservoir at 2,842 feet [866m].
New Mexico covers 121,590 sq mi (314,917 sq km). It was annexed to the US in 1848 and has a population of 2 million.
Egypt has a total area of 367,048 square miles, or about three times the size of New Mexico.
Poland's size can be compared to a size of New Mexico.
The size of your mom
New Mexico is 121,365 sq. miles Poland is 120,726 sq. miles
new mexico
Yes, although New Mexico is a bit larger:New Mexico area: 121,589 sq miPoland area: 120,726 sq mi
Catron on the Arizona border.
the 5th
No, Mexico is much larger. Norway is about the same size as New Mexico. Norway is about 323,802 square kilometers, and Mexico is about 1,972,550 square kilometers. Sizes taken from the CIA factbook
New Mexico is known for its large size. The four states that are larger are California, Alaska, Texas, and Montana.
New Mexico
17% (335,334 sq km / 129,473 sq mi). Roughly the size of Finland or New Mexico.