The land mass area of Romania is 231,239.27 square kilometres.
Romania's area: 92 043 square miles
Romania - 91,699 sq miles.
The area of Romania is 2388 397 km2.
Romania - 91,699 sq mi (237,500 sq km)
Romania has an area of 92 043 square miles.
The area of Romania is 92 043 square miles.
A whole bunch.
Romania is 92,043 sq miles (238,391 km²).
Romania is a country of an area of 238, 391 sq. km and has a population of 22 million people. It ranks 82nd in size of countries in the world and is a little smaller than the size of the US state of Oregon. See related links for more information.
Bucharest, the capital city of Romania, has a total area of approximately 88 square miles.
The area of Romania is 238 391 sq. km.