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Q: What is the square miles of Colorado from north to south?
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Is Colorado the only square state?

Colorado is not a square- it is a rectangle (So is Wyoming) With a square, all four sides would be the same length. Colorado is 387 miles wide, but only 276 miles North to South.

What is the distance in miles from south to north in Colorado?

280 miles

How many square miles are there in Minnesota North Dakota and South Dakota?

Minnesota has 84,397 square miles. North Dakota has 70,704 square miles. South Dakota has 77,122 square miles. Total square miles for all three US states is: 232,223 square miles.

Does North Dakota or South Dakota have most square miles?

South Dakota has more square miles than North Dakota. South Dakota has an area of 77,116 square miles and is ranked as the 17th largest US State. North Dakota is the 19th largest US State at 70,700 square miles.

Which is bigger Asia or North and South America combined?

Asia is larger that North America and South America combined. Asia is about 17,212,000 square miles. North America and South America combined is about 16,430,000 square miles.

Are North Dakota and South Dakota the same size?

No. South Dakota is larger with a total of 77,116 square miles while North Dakota has a total of 70,698 square miles.

Is north is larger in area than South Korea?

Yes. South Korea has area of 38,486 square miles (99,678 square kilometers) while North Korea has area of 47,399 square miles (122,762 square kilometers).

How far is fort Collins from Colorado Springs?

According to Google maps, it is 303 miles.

Square feet of Oklahoma?

Oklahoma City

How many miles long and wide is Minnesota?

Minnesota is about 360 miles from east to west and about 407 miles from north to south. It covers 86,943 square miles (about 83,574 mi2 land and 3,369 mi2 water).

Major city close to Denver?

Cheyenne is Wyoming's Capital and largest city and is 101 miles north. Colorado Springs is Colorado's second largest city and is 71 miles south. Albuquerque is New Mexico's largest city and is 450 miles south.

Is the Colorado river in North America or South America?

The is a Colorado river in both north and south America