Iran - 636,372 square miles.
Iran - 636,372 square miles.
Iran is much larger, being about 636,400 square miles compared to Texas being about 268,597 square miles.
Iran - 1,648,195 km2 or 636,371.6 sq miles.
Iran has an area of 1,648,195 km2 or 636,372 miles2
Tehran, Iran - 282 square miles (city).
7890965 sq miles 7890965 sq miles
Iran's area is 636,000 square miles (1,650,000 square kilometers).
Iran's area is 636,374 square miles (1,629,807 square kilometers), making it the world's seventeenth largest country. Alaska is the largest state in the United States, and Iran is only 4% smaller than Alaska.
Afghanistan - 647,500 km2Afghanistan's area is 652,860 square kilometers.
The land area of Iran is about 636, 400 sq. miles. Tehran is its capital, and it is the country's largest city. Its form of government is an Islamic theocracy.
The deserts of Iran are the Dasht-e Kavir and the Dasht-e Lut.