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According to experts, Maltaâ??s size is very small because it is approximately 27 kilometers long which is about 16.8 miles.

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14y ago

Malta - 122.01 square miles.

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Q: What is the square miles of Malta?
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What is Malta's size in square miles?

121 square miles.

Which is bigger Malta or Andorra?

Andorra is bigger, at 181 square miles, compared to Malta which is 122 square miles.

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121 square miles

What is Malta's area in km squared?

The land area of Malta is 316 sq. kilometers.

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The island of Malta is 20km long and 9km wide.

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By both population and size, it's Malta. Malta has 405,000 of the EU's 495 million people, and is 316 square kilometres in size, out of the EU's total size of 4,324,782 square kilometres.Malta is the smallest country in the European Union by both area and population.

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The country with the most churches per square mile is Malta. With over 360 churches in an area of just 122 square miles, Malta is known for its high concentration of churches.

How big is Malta?

Malta is 316 square kilometers.

How many air miles are there from England to Malta?

There are 1,302 miles between London and Malta.

How many square kilometres are in Malta?

Malta has a total land area of approximately 316 square kilometers.