There are an estimated 348 people per square mile (2009) in Florida per University of Florida, Bureau of Economics and Business Reseach.
Florida, USA - 65,758 square miles.
The population density of Florida is approximately 403.4 people per square mile.
Florida, USA - 65,758 square miles.
oldest rocks Florida's match Africa's
Quebec's area is approximately 595,391 square miles, making it the largest province in Canada by area.
the area of Florida is 65,795 in square miles
1 square mile = 3,097,600 square yards.
A square mile is a unit of area. If we have a square with each side one mile long, the square covers one square mile. A mile is a unit of length. Length has only one dimension while area is two dimensions.
A mile is the length of a line, square miles are the measure of area, typically of a square or rectangle
Florida's land area is 53,997 square miles.
sq mile