Pennsylvania covers 46058 square miles
Total Area of Florida is 170,304 Km2 and total Area of Pennsylvania is 119,283 Km2 therefore Pennsylvania is not larger than Florida. Florida is bigger.
Campbelltown, Pennsylvania has a total area of 2.9 square miles (7.5 km2).
Pennsylvania is the 33rd largest state in the United States with a total area of approximately 46,000 square miles.
The state of Pennsylvania (postal abbreviation PA) covers a total area of 46,055 square miles (119,283 square kilometers), and is ranked as the thirty-third largest state in the U.S.
The area of Pennsylvania is 46,055.24 sq miles.
Pennsylvania's area is 119,280 square kilometers.
The total land area of Pennsylvania is approximately 46,000 square miles.
New York State is the larger of the two in area and population. New York State 54,555 sq miles, Population 18,976,457 Pennsylvania 46,055 sq miles, Population 12,281,054
4.06% of the total US population lives in Pennsylvania.
Pennsylvania, a state in the United States, has a total area of approximately 46,055 square miles, making it the 33rd largest state in the country.
Southwestern Pennsylvania... generally, the Pittsburgh area.