Quito, Ecuador has a total area of approximately 141 square miles.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ecuador 98,985 sq mi
98,985 square miles
Hawaii's total water area is 36 square miles.
Ecuador is 98,985 sq miles (256,370 km²).
The country code and area code of Carchi, Ecuador is 593, (0)6.
The country code and area code of Azuay, Ecuador is 593, (0)7.
There is a small area of desert on the Ecuador-Peru border.yes, in Ecuador is desert de Palmira and tixan very small
The country code and area code of BolÌ_var, Ecuador is 593, (0)3.
Two of the bodies of water located in Ecuador are named Tortuga Bay and the Gulf of Guayaquil. Also, Ecuador has several smaller rivers and lakes.
Maldives is about 99% water and total land area is about 300km
Alaska has the most total water area while Michigan has the largest percentage of water area.