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You can't give a correct percentage because some cheaters haven't been caught yet, or have cheated and never been caught.

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Q: What percentage of married people cheat on their spouses?
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What is involved to make an affair?

Two people willing to cheat on one or both of their spouses. It also involve selfishness.

Why do people cheat on their spouses?

Because the man ain't hittin' it right and cant stay hard for over 2 freakin' minutes!

Do the statistic of infidelity tell the whole truth?

Statistics are generally not correct. People who cheat on their spouses do so in secret and that is why it's called cheating or having an affair. Many who are cheating now will not be counted in a correct percentage of statistics because they have not been caught .... yet.

Why do men cheat with their wife best friend?

Men and women have sexual desires. Most can control their desires after they get married. Some cannot. There are married women who cheat, just as there are married men who cheat. Cheating is the exception. Most married people are faithful to their mate.

You are in love with your high school friend but you are both married?

You said you were in love with your high school friend, but didn't mention if he/she was in love with you. Marriage should be taken seriously and since both of you are married then let it be. Sometimes people want what they can't have. If it turns out both of you are in love with each other then have the guts to tell your spouses and don't cheat!

Do many people cheat on their spouses during their lunch breaks?

I hope not. But if people are cheating and on the job I guess a lunch break is a good time to meet? I don't understand this question...

On Animal Crossing wild world what is the married cheat?

You cant get married :( There is no glitch/cheat code/hack for that, if there was, not many people would use it, because why would a animal marry an human.

What is it called when married people cheat?

This is called "Adultery" ANSWER: I think we called them " Adulterer."

Why do people still cheat if they are both happily married?

People who are happily married do not cheat. ANSWER: Simple they would never let their status gets on the way of what they want to do. From the recent survey, married man who is in happy marriage will also cheat to their wife. It's the challenge, excitement that they love. The power knowing women loves to be with them is what makes them excited.

Is there any hope for a spouse not to cheat even if his marriage is in trouble?

All marriages can have problems, but with good communication skills and working out the problems. Not all spouses cheat. However, the longer the problems persist in a marriage the higher the rate of one or both spouses cheating.

Why does my girlfriend want to get married after she attemped to cheat?

Ask her. People make mistakes and people forgive, its part of life.