Mexico has a surface area of 1,972,550 square kilometers (761,606 sq mi), while Scotland has 78,772 square kilometers (30,414 sq mi) of area. Mexico is 25 times the size of Scotland.
Scotland - 78,387 km2 United States - 9,826,675 km2 The US is about 125.5 times the size of Scotland.
If Scotland was a US state, it would be the 41st largest state. (It is closest in size to South Carolina). In actual size: Scotland: 78,387 km2 or 30,414 sq mi America: 9,629,091 km2 or 3,717,813 sq mi
What is the size of scotland? What is the size of scotland?
Scotland is approximately 19 million acres in size.
my name is frank
Scotland - 78,772 km2
Scotland is roughly one-third the size of England. Scotland has a land area of around 30,400 square miles, while England is about 50,300 square miles in size.
Scotland is closest in size to the U.S. State of South Carolina. Scotland is about 2,000 square miles smaller than South Carolina.
Upthrust cancels weight out, weight is there but you do not feel it.
size 11
Scotland is part of the UK. The UK is about the size of Colorado.