The decimal system started in Ancient China during the Shang Dynasty.
The Taliban started in 1994 when Pakistan gave them the Pakistan government. From there, they got out of hand and was eventually taken out of power when Pakistan decided to have a voting system and scheduled voting in Spring '05.
Radio Pakistan started its broadcasts from Karachi on 1961.
When the Spanish came with the decimal number system, they replaced the Maya number system throughout the region. So the people of that region stopped using the Maya system and started using the decimal system of the Spanish.
Yes,Pakistan have a class system
Decimal numbers were in use in Europe well before the time of Fibonacci so he would have "related" to them when he started to count!
It started on 26th July .
decimal system
In 1994, Pakistan started testing out their nuclear weapons. Because of this, 'pandemonium' in Indian parliaments had started and caused an uprising.
pakistan stared first in time 1947