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The black death began to spread in about 1437 during the Middle Ages from fleas that bit mice and rats that were infected with a the black death. The fleas would swell from the infected blood they took in and vomit it out. Fleas love to bite humans bite humans any chance they get. Infected fleas bit any human they could find spreading the black death.

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15y ago

The black plague started in India and it came from a rat

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13y ago

The Bubonic Plague originated in Asia when the Mongols were invading othere territories, they took the plague with them to Europe

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12y ago

It came to Europe from Asia. It travelled on rats which came to Europe on boats. The fleas on the rats was the actual thing that spread the disease.

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Q: Where did the plague come from before it reached Europe?
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Was the plague sudden?

== == Yes and no. It took decades, close to a century, for the plague to move across Asia and Europe but when it reached a given region or town then many people would come down with it very quickly because it is highly contagious and they didn't know how it was spread. This sort of progression, and sudden overwhelming, has come to be known as a 'tipping point'

When did the plague come round?

There have been many different plagues over the centuries. The plague called the Black Death (bubonic plague) came to Europe in the 14th century, peaking in the years 1346-53. It recurred occasionally in Europe until the 19th century.

Why might the plague have reached Italy before it spread to England?

because somone would have had to come over sea to spread it around england but in italy it does not so it would have spreaded faster or it mite be because england is bigger

Why did the black plague come?

It came on rats aboard ships that sailed to Europe. It originated in Asia and first spread through Europe in the 14th century. It reached London in 1666, just after Italy and Vienna had been struck with it. The great fire of London, also in 1666 did help in a clean up of the plague. However, people in 1666 thought much differently. Many people believed the Black Plague came from God, to smite the unbelievers and blasphemers. Much like the situation with Noahs Ark. The church used the plague to get more people back into religious control confirming it had indeed been a message from God.

What happened in 1348?

In June of 1348, two ships entered the Bristol Channel bringing the Bubonic Plague to England. The Black Death would continue to ravage the central and western Europe for several years to come.

Did the black plague come to America?

The "Black Plague" in Europe was bubonic plague. Bubonic plague is present in North America, but has never caused a major disease outbreak. Campgrounds in the Sierra Nevada mountains of California are occasionally closed because of plague, which is carried by rats and fleas. The biggest disease outbreaks in North America were smallpox and influenza.

Who do many think brought the bubonic plague to Europe?

The Bubonic Plague was thought to have been carried by the rats from trading ships coming from Asia. More specifically, it was thought to have come from trading ships coming back from Asia ported in Sicily, and then spread from there.

How do you avoid plague?

Be good. Try to avoid being bad and no plague will come to you.

Why did the great Plague of London start?

London was a major port at the time of the Great Plague of 1665. Rats would come off of the ships visiting London and those rats carried fleas which started the Plague. The Great Fire of London the following year, killed all the rats and put an end to the Plague.

Where did most immigrants to America come from before 1802?

Northern and Western Europe.

When did the plague land in Europe from the ships from Asia?

No one can say a specific date of the black plague (due to the fact of no one had a journal for these things thank you so much ancestors!) but it was landed in 1348. And come on use a fricking textbook guys. People can just say anything for you to believe -_-.

The Black Death hit Europe in the mid 14th century with devastating consequences what was not a result of this plague?

The Black Death, also known as the Bubonic Plague, swept through Europe in the mid-14th century and had devastating consequences, leading to the deaths of an estimated 25 million people. As a result of the plague, the population of Europe was greatly reduced, and the economy and social structure were permanently altered. One thing that was not a result of the plague was the widespread adoption of modern medical practices. Despite the devastation caused by the plague, medical knowledge and practices remained relatively unchanged in the immediate aftermath. It was not until centuries later that significant advances were made in the understanding and treatment of infectious diseases. While the Black Death had many far-reaching and long-lasting consequences, it did not lead to the immediate development of modern medical practices. Instead, it served as a catalyst for changes in social and economic systems that would shape Europe for centuries to come.