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Most urban areas in the US are located in the East (typically along the East Coast).

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Q: Where were most urban areas in the United states?
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What is the most urban state?

"I'd say it's either New Jersey or Mass." The answer depends on the definition of "most urban". Considering the fraction of the population that lives in metropolitan areas, New Jersey (94%) and Nevada (92%) are among the most urban of the United States. Massachusetts' population is 91% urban.

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For whoever gave the answer Mexico, Mexico is not a U.S state it is its own country. The most dangerous city in the U.S is most likely to be undefined. It would be the most urban area because urban areas (city) is where most crime is likely to happen.Take New York or Los ANgeles , even Las Vegas for an example, The elaborate on it.

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Do most people live in rural or urban areas in Oregon?

Three fourths of the population lives in urban areas.

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Can i buy marqanua seeds in side the US?

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