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Bhushan Ranjitkar

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Q: Who is the strongest person in NEPAL?
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Joseph Fowler is not the strongest person in the world.nobody is perfect.Even he could make mistakes.QUESTION:Who is the strongest person in the entire universe?ANSWER:God is the strongest person in the world.This is the answer to your question

What is the year in Nepal?

Nepal has always been independent country. So, there is nothing like to found it. It was always there. Even British was unsuccessful to conquer it. Its the country of brave Gurkha, who are strongest army in the world.

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pradeep bhujel was the first person make computer in Nepal

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She was the strongest person I had ever met, both physically and emotionally.

Who is the third rich person in Nepal?

Neo khumbu

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Mr. Sushant Baidya

Who is famous sports person in Nepal?

Diwash gurung

Who is the famous sports person of Nepal?

Basanta Regmi

What do you call a person from Nepal?

You would call them a Nepalese