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The US and UK use two different systems:

  • The US uses a short notation system. That means that a billion is one thousand times one million, a trillion is a thousand times a billion, and so on. The prefix to -illion determines how many extra groups of three zeroes are appended to the number for a thousand (1 000).
  • The UK uses what is referred to the long system. The prefix looks at how many groups of six zeroes there are in the number, i.e. one million has one group of six, billion has two groups of six, and so on. The long system also has names for number between each -illion, each of which is suffixed with -illiard. So one thousand million is one milliard, one thousand billion is one billiard, and so on. (Just as a note, milliard can also be referred to a sesquillion.)

So, one billion in the US is the same as one milliard (or sesquillion) in the UK.

P.S. The UK has recently begun adopting short notation, so now only the French and Germans have the long system in regular usage (with various proponents of it, such as myself, scattered in various other countries).

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13y ago

It depends on what you mean. A billion is the same everywhere 1-3 digit numbers with 9 zeros, e.g. 350 000 000 000. If you are talking about currencies, as of 4th May 2011, one Australian dollar is equivalent to 1.09 US dollars, thus A$1 000 000 000 will be equal to US$1 090 000 000. Therefore, the Aussie dollar is more valuable than the US dollar. Thanks.

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How many digits are there in a US billion?

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1000000 = one million 1000000000 = one US billion 1000000000000 = one UK billion So one million is 1000 US billion, and 1000000 UK billion, although common practice in the UK nowadays is to use the US definition.

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A billion is a thousand million (at least in the US; the UK uses a slightly different system).Since you have three thousand million, you have three billion.

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The value 1 billion regardless of whether it is 1 billion in the US, UK or Canada is always: 1,000,000,000

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The same as a billion in the US. A thousand million.However, a long time ago, a 'British billion' was a million million, ie. a thousand times bigger than a US billion. The term 'billiard' is sometimes used to mean 'British billion' to clear up the confusion.Everybody in the UK uses the same definition as in the US though.

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3,500,000,000,000 (UK)or3,500,000,000 (US)

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In the US, 15.2 billion is 15,200,000,000. In the UK, 15.2 billion is 15,200,000,000,000.

What is one billion in numbers?

Us - 1000,000,000 uk - 1000000000000

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12 billion is 12,000 million, in the US and present UK Short Scale. 12 billion is 12,000,000 million, in the former UK Long Scale.

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There are 9 zeros in 75 billion in the US and current UK short scale. This is 75,000,000,000. There are 12 zeros in 75 billion in the older UK long scale. This is 75,000,000,000,000.

Is there a difference between the number a billion in the US and the UK?

Technically the UK Billion is 1,000,000,000,000, 1012 or a million million. This is the US Trillion.However it is now generally excepted that1,000,000 = 106 = a million,1,000,000,000 = 109 = a billion &1,000,000,000,000 =1012 = a trillion1,000,000,000,000,000 = 1015 = a quadrillion