61 degrees north latitude and 10 degrees east longitude is in Sweden.
The coordinates 61 degrees north latitude and 10 degrees east longitude point to a location in Norway, specifically near Oslo, the capital city. This area is known for its beautiful natural landscapes and rich cultural heritage.
61 degrees 09 minutes North, 6 degrees, 35 minutes East.
The country that is located at approximately 10 degrees north and 61 degrees west is Trinidad and Tobago, a dual-island Caribbean nation located off the northern edge of South America.
The longitude and latitude of Antigua and Barbuda is 17 degrees North 61 degrees East.
The coordinates 10 degrees north and 61 degrees west locate a point in the country of Venezuela in South America.
61 degrees north and 147 degrees west is in the northern part of Alaska, near the Bering Strait and the Arctic Ocean.
61 degrees North
Anchorage, Alaska
10 degrees 39 minutes north, 61 degrees 31 minutes west.