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According to the stories surrounding its development, yes.

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Q: Cartesian coordinate system was developed by the mathematician Descartes during an illness?
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Why was cartesian coordinate system invented?

It allowed points in space to be described algebraically. This allowed lines and curves to be described using algebra. Bringing together algebra and geometry meant that tools that mathematicians had developed for solving algebraic problems could be applied to problems in geometry and tools from geometry could be applied to algebra.

What is the origin of trigonometry As in a person time period or area?

Trigonometry was probably developed for use in sailing as a navigation method used with astronomy.[2] The origins of trigonometry can be traced to the civilizations of ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia and the Indus Valley (India), more than 4000 years ago.[citation needed] The common practice of measuring angles in degrees, minutes and seconds comes from the Babylonian's base sixty system of numeration. The first recorded use of trigonometry came from the Hellenistic mathematician Hipparchus[1] circa 150 BC, who compiled a trigonometric table using the sine for solving triangles. Ptolemy further developed trigonometric calculations circa 100 AD. The ancient Sinhalese in Sri Lanka, when constructing reservoirs in the Anuradhapura kingdom, used trigonometry to calculate the gradient of the water flow. Archeological research also provides evidence of trigonometry used in other unique hydrological structures dating back to 4 BC.[citation needed] The Indian mathematician Aryabhata in 499, gave tables of half chords which are now known as sine tables, along with cosine tables. He used zya for sine, kotizya for cosine, and otkram zya for inverse sine, and also introduced the versine. Another Indian mathematician, Brahmagupta in 628, used an interpolation formula to compute values of sines, up to the second order of the Newton-Stirling interpolation formula. In the 10th century, the Persian mathematician and astronomer Abul Wáfa introduced the tangent function and improved methods of calculating trigonometry tables. He established the angle addition identities, e.g. sin (a + b), and discovered the sine formula for spherical geometry: : Also in the late 10th and early 11th centuries, the Egyptian astronomer Ibn Yunus performed many careful trigonometric calculations and demonstrated the formula : Persian mathematician Omar Khayyám (1048-1131) combined trigonometry and approximation theory to provide methods of solving algebraic equations by geometrical means. Khayyam solved the cubic equation x3 + 200x = 20x2 + 2000 and found a positive root of this cubic by considering the intersection of a rectangular hyperbola and a circle. An approximate numerical solution was then found by interpolation in trigonometric tables. Detailed methods for constructing a table of sines for any angle were given by the Indian mathematician Bhaskara in 1150, along with some sine and cosine formulae. Bhaskara also developed spherical trigonometry. The 13th century Persian mathematician Nasir al-Din Tusi, along with Bhaskara, was probably the first to treat trigonometry as a distinct mathematical discipline. Nasir al-Din Tusi in his Treatise on the Quadrilateral was the first to list the six distinct cases of a right angled triangle in spherical trigonometry. In the 14th century, Persian mathematician al-Kashi and Timurid mathematician Ulugh Beg (grandson of Timur) produced tables of trigonometric functions as part of their studies of astronomy. The mathematician Bartholemaeus Pitiscus published an influential work on trigonometry in 1595 which may have coined the word "trigonometry" itself. Hope that helps. :)

People who contributed to trigonometry?

Some key contributors to the development of trigonometry include ancient civilizations such as the Babylonians and Egyptians, who used rudimentary trigonometric concepts for practical purposes. The Greek mathematician Hipparchus is often credited with formalizing the field of trigonometry, introducing the trigonometric functions and developing the earliest trigonometric tables. Later, Islamic mathematicians such as Al-Battani and Al-Khwarizmi made significant advancements in trigonometry, further expanding its applications in astronomy, geography, and mathematics. These early pioneers laid the foundation for the modern study and application of trigonometry in various fields.

How the trigonometry apply in real life?

Depending on your career, you may or may not need trigonometry. If your job does not require a lot of math, it is unlikely that you will use trigonometry very often, however, this is not a reason not to study it. The skills and discipline developed in your trigoometry class will help you no matter what career you choose.

Why isn't the Pythagorean theorem a law?

The axiomatic structure of geometry, as initiated by Euclid and then developed by other mathematicians starts of with 8 axioms or postulates which are self-evident truths". Chains of logical reasoning can be used to prove theorems which are then accepted as additional truths, and so on. Geometry does not have laws, as such.

Related questions

Who developed the Cartesian Plane?

The coordinate plane, sometimes called the Cartesian plane, was developed by Rene Descartes in 1637. Descartes was a French mathematician born in 1596.

Who developed the cartesian coordinate system?

Rene Descartes.

Who developed the cartesian coordinate plane?

Rene Descartes

Name the scientists who developed the cartesian coordinate?

Rene Descartes

What does cartesian mean?

Cartesian means of or relating to the French philosopher and mathematician René Descartes. A Cartesian Well, for example, uses machinery and principles developed by Mr. Descartes.

When did the coordinate system come to be?

Cartesian coordinates are named after French mathematician Rene Descartes, who lived in the early 1600s & developed many modern conventions of mathematical notation.

Who was father of co ordinate geometry?

It was the French mathematician Rene Descartes.

Who developed the cartisian coordinate system?

Coordinated geometry was the conception of the French mathematician Rene Descartes.

Why is RenΓ© Descartes considered the father of analytical geometry?

Because René Descartes developed the Cartesian coordinate system, this system allows geometric shapes to be expressed in algebraic equations. Descartes' works is still today the basis in analytic geometry.

When was the Cartesian Coordinate System invented?

The Cartesian coordinate system was invented in the 17th century. The idea of this system was developed in 1637.

Its Rene descarte's developed the rectangular coordinate system?

Rene Descartes developed the rectangular coordinate system.

Who created coordinates?

They were developed by Rene Descartes (and so are also called Cartesian Coordinates).