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1 revolution = 2*pi radianstherefore, k revs per second = 2*k*pi radians per second


if you still work in degrees, it is 360*k degrees per second.

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one revolution is 2 pi radians so multiply revolutions by 2 x 3.14 to get radians per second angular velocity

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Q: How do I calculate angular velocity from revolutions per second?
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What is the physical significance of angular velocity?

Angular velocity means how fast something is turning around. Often measured in radians per second, or revolutions per minute.

What is the formula for the angular velocity?

There are several, what is it that you want to calculate? The "natural" units for angular velocity are radians/second. The relationship between linear velocity and angular velocity is especially simple in this case: linear velocity (at the edge) = angular velocity x radius.

Define constant angular velocity and explain how it is applies to a CD?

Angular velocity is the measure of angular displacement (in one or the opposite) direction over a unit period of time. In the context of CDs , one unit in which this can be measured is the number of revolutions per second. A constant angular velocity means that the CD is turning through the same angle each second.

What does angular mean?

Angular momentum is an expression of an objects mass and rotational speed. Momentem is the velocity of an object times its mass, or how fast something is moving times how much it weighs. Therefore angular momentum is the objects mass times the angular velocity where angular velocity is how fast something is rotating expressed in terms like revolutions per minute or radians per second or degrees per second.

What is angular momentum?

Angular momentum is an expression of an objects mass and rotational speed. Momentem is the velocity of an object times its mass, or how fast something is moving times how much it weighs. Therefore angular momentum is the objects mass times the angular velocity where angular velocity is how fast something is rotating expressed in terms like revolutions per minute or radians per second or degrees per second.

How do you find angular velocity in radians per second?

-- Determine the number of revolutions, vibrations, reciprocations, or full oscillations in one second. -- Multiply that number by (2 pi).

What is the angular velocity in radians per second of the second hand of a clock?

The angular velocity of the second hand of a clock is pi/30 radians per second.

How do you convert radians per second to meters per second?

the tangential velocity is equal to the angular velocity multiplied by the radius the tangential velocity is equal to the angular velocity multiplied by the radius

What is angular velocity in physics?

It means how fast something rotates. Rather than taking the linear speed (meters per second, or some other common unit of speed), the angular velocity is specified in radians per second, degrees per second, revolutions (full turns) per minute, or something similar. By this definition, each part of a solid, rotating object rotates at the same angular speed.

Define angular velocityWhat is its SI unit?

Angular velocity is a measurement of how fast something is turning. Everyone has heard of "RPM", which stands for "Revolutions Per Minute" ... how many complete turns an object makes in one minute. That's a perfectly good measurement of angular velocity, although in Physics, angular velocity is normally given in different units. The standard unit for angular velocity is "radians per second". Each complete turn covers (2 pi) radians (same as 360 degrees). And there are 60 seconds in one minute. So if you know the RPM, you can multiply RPM by (2 pi / 60) = 0.10472 to get angular velocity in standard units. An old LP phonograph record (remember those ?) playing at 33-1/3 RPM has an angular velocity of about 3.5 radians per second. A car engine idling at 1,000 RPM is turning at about 104.7 radians per second.

When the mass and the radius are held constant what happens to the centripetal force if the frequency of the rotation is increased?

One formula to calculate centripetal acceleration is: a = omega2r, where omega is the angular velocity. Combining this with Newton's Second Law: F=ma you get: F = m omega2 r For completeness sake, omega (in radians per second) = 2 pi f (2 x pi x the frequency, in revolutions / second). Thus, omega and the frequency are proportional. As you can see, the force is proportional to the square of the angular velocity. For example, doubling the frequency would cause double the angular velocity, which would require an increase of the force by a factor of 4.

What is the angular velocity of the wheel before braking began if the wheel rotates through 6 radians in 2 seconds as it is uniformly brought to rest?

It was 6 radians per second. Angular acceleration = -3 radians per second2 Initial angular velocity = 6 radians per second. Final angular velocity = zero. Average angular velocity = 3 radians per second. Angular displacement in 2 seconds = 3 x 2 = 6 radians.