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Q: How do you divide trigonometrıc functıons?
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Georg Joachim, also known as Rheticus(February 16,1514 -December 4,1574), was a mathematician, cartographer, navigational-instrument maker, medical practitioner, and teacher. He is perhaps best known for his trigonometrc tables and as Nicolaus Copernicus's sole pupil. He facilitated the publication of his master's De revolutionibusorbium coelestium (On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres).

How did you get 40cm out 400mm?

You divide by 10.You divide by 10.You divide by 10.You divide by 10.

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Divide by 1.608.Divide by 1.608.Divide by 1.608.Divide by 1.608.

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You divide by 12.You divide by 12.You divide by 12.You divide by 12.

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How do you convert 115 inches into 7 equal sections?

Divide it by 7.Divide it by 7.Divide it by 7.Divide it by 7.