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Pythagoras made the "Pythagorean Theorem".

And He is a Mathematician. I remember it is not specified on the piece.

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Q: In story The Inevitable Day who is Pythagoras?
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What is the cause of Pythagoras' death?

how one day we find out

On what day was Pythagoras death?

He died in 500 B.C.

What is the comparative and superlative of inevitable?

More inevitable, most inevitable

Why was Pythagoras reffered to as the Pythagoras of samos?

Pythagoras was called "Pythagoras of Samos" because he was born in Samos.

How can you use the word invitable in a sentence?

Since the girl watched TV all day, it was inevitable that she was fired from her job.It is inevitable that discussion of religion and politics causes arguments.Though death is inevitable, medical science has expanded the lifespan for males and females.

Why was the boy called grandpa at the end of the story half a day?

In the story "Half a Day" by Naguib Mahfouz, the boy is called "Grandpa" at the end to symbolize the cyclical nature of life and the passage of time. It represents the boy's transition into old age and the inevitable process of aging. This moment captures the idea that youth fades and we all eventually become elders.

what is Pythagoras full name?

Pythagoras of Samos

What is the difference between unavoidable and inevitable?

This is how I see it: Inevitable = Not Avoidable now or ever. Unavoidable = Not Avoidable now, but is or was avoidable at some point. For example: The saying goes "Death and Taxes are inevitable", (but that's wrong). You are born and one day you die, death is Inevitable. You may try to avoid paying taxes, but it's incredibly difficult, therefore Taxes are Unavoidable, but not quite Inevitable.

Did Pythagoras die?

Yes, Pythagoras died on None

What work did Pythagoras do?

pythagoras made the famous pythagoras theorem and many more....

What is the first name of Pythagoras?


What nationality was Pythagoras?

Pythagoras was Greek.