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Q: The Cartesian coordinate system has how many quadrants?
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How many quadrants are there on a square coordinate system?

There are four quadrants in a square co-ordinate system.

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What does a Cartesian Coordinate System do?

A Cartesian coordinate system is a coordinate system that specifies each point uniquely in a plane by a pair of numerical coordinates. These coordinate system can be used to provide geometric interpretations for many branches of mathematics.

How many quadrants are there on a coordinate graph?

there are 4 quadrants in a coordinate grid (=

How many quadrants are there in cartesian plane?

There are 4

How many quadrants are in the coordinate plane?


How many quadrants are in a coordinate plane 1234?


Can you transfer the information presented in many types of charts and graphs to cartesian coordinate system?


How Rene descartes discover cartesian plane?

Descartes worked on the idea for the Cartesian coordinate system over the course of many years. His writings, including "Geometry", which was published in 1637, outlined the idea of the Cartesian coordinate system.

Why is the Cartesian coordinate system also called a plane?

Possibly because the first time that pupils are introduced to the name and concept it is has only two dimensions. These are usually represented as horizontal (x) and vertical (y) coordinates. Actually, many children meet the concept - in its 1-dimensional form - as the number line. It is not called a Cartesian coordinate system then, and they make only simple use of it. The Cartesian coordinate system is normally extended to 3-dimensional space in high school coordinate geometry when it is obviously not called a plane, and to multi-dimensional hyperspaces in advanced mathematics or physics.

How many number lines comprise the basic parts of a Cartesian coordinate system?

Its 2. The horizontal axes and the vertical axes. god bless you.

How many number lines comprise the basic parts of a cartesian cooridnate system?

As many as the number of dimensions that the coordinate system represents. 2 if it is 2-dimensional plane, 3 if 3-d space and so on.