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Tangent, in geometry, is used to describe when figures have only one point in common.

In Trig. tangent is applied to triangles.

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Q: What does tangent mean in math?
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sin stands for sine cos stands for cosine and tan stands for tangent

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The tangent function will generate a calculator "math error" if the angle in questin is ±90 degrees. For these angles, the tangent function is not defined.

What is a tangent in math?

A tangent is a straight line which will intersect at another line only once. Every tangent for each point will be different, because each tangent is exclusive only to one point in a graph.

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I assume you mean curve touching? It means that two or more curves intersect at a single point (tangent point).

How do you add tangent in calculator in java?

You are able to calculate the tangent of a number using the Math class (java.lang.Math). The tan(double a) method is the one you are looking for. For example: double a = 2.5; double tangent = java.lang.Math.tan(a);

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They are called Tangents. In Math, as I recall well, Tangent equals Opposite over adjacent. (indispensable to map making). Tangent comes from tangere, Latin for "to touch".

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The tangent of an angle is a ratio so, if you mean pi, and not pie, then it is simply a product of two ratios.

Tangent of an angle mean in mathematics?

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How can you use the noun tangent in a sentence?

Tangent can mean: a straight line or plane that touches a curve or curved surface at a point, but if extended does not cross it at that point. Today in maths we studied tangents. Or tangent can mean: a completely different line of thought or action. The discussion went off at a tangent and we never resolved the problem.