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It is one whole turn.

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Q: What fraction of a turn is equal to 360 and deg?
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360 degree F equals how many celsius?

360 degrees Fahrenheit is equal to 182.22 degrees Celsius.

What fraction of a turn is equal to 270 and deg 3 4 turn 1 2 turn 1 4 turn 1 full turn Submit?

270 degrees is 3/4 of a turn

What is 76 percent of 360 degrees?

76% of 360 deg = 360*76/100 = 273.6 deg

What is a fraction that compares two equivalent measurement?

Such a fraction need not exist. Consider, the measures of temperature:0 deg Celsius = 32 deg Fahrenheit. The fraction is 0/32 = 0.5 deg C = 41 deg F so the fraction is 5/40 = 1/8.-17.77... deg C = 0 deg F and the fraction is not defined!Such a fraction makes sense only if both measurements are on a ratio scale. If that is the case then - and only then - the fraction is a conversion factor.

Work out the exterior and interior angles of a regular polygon with 18 sides?

Sum of exterior angles = 360 deg. So 18 exterior angles add to 360 deg => each is 360/18 = 20 deg. Ext angle = 20 deg so interior angle = supplement of 20 deg = 160 deg.

How many degrees are in 4 rotations?

A full revolution have 360 deg. For 4 revolution = 4 * 360. But degrees termed as in between to 360 deg.

What angle is bigger than 180 and 360 degrees?

An angle of 361 degrees is bigger than 180 deg and 360 deg.

A regular hexagon rotates counterclockwise about its center. It turns through angles greater than 0 and deg and less than or equal to 360 and deg. At how many different angles will the hexagon map ont?

6 times.

How many miles do each degree approximately equal?

The earth's circumference, at the equator, is approx 24,000 miles. 360 degrees = 24901.5 miles so 1 deg = 24901.5/360 = 1660 miles approx.

The peak value of a sine wave occurs?

For a standard 360 deg sine wave with starting point of 0 deg, peaks will occur at 90 deg and 270 deg.

450F is equal to?

450 deg F = 232.2 deg C

What do external angels of a polygon add up to?

360 DEG