i34 is the complex part of the number 0+i34. The real part is 0, so this is a purely imaginary number.
yes. heres a picture http://i38.tinypic.com/osfond.jpg http://i34.tinypic.com/mu96s6.jpg
Hey, I did quite alot of research on this lol.I don't think she has a favorite breed.. but thebreeds she does have would be a mixed breed"Bailey" but her newest addition "Bella" is ashih tzu puppy.[IMG]http://i34.tinypic.com/2nsrt79.jpg[/IMG]
spike/tease ur hair on the back half and keep the front part straight, dress in random stuff put on dark eyeliner, take pics of urself all the time, die ur hair different colors, get a lip piercing(snake bite piercing is the best along with a toung piercing) http://www.ilovescene.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/12/scene-hair-for-girls-330x336.jpg http://i34.tinypic.com/2q99p5g.jpg http://media.photobucket.com/image/scene%20hair/emileexcorpse/Scene/Sam.jpg http://hair.lovetoknow.com/Short_Scene_Hair http://s.bebo.com/app-image/9128906561/5411656627/PROFILE/i.quizzaz.com/img/q/u/09/01/30/4145022-scene_hair1.jpg
William Beckett himself has confirmed about his baby with Christine Bandy. The baby's name is Genevieve Dylan Beckett, she is 4 years old and was born on October 12th, 2007. In Alternative Press magazine issue 256, he says : "I bought a house in the near suburbs of Chicago with my lady. And we have a little girl as well.....I think the reason I never talked about it was less of a secretive thing and more of a protection thing - like a protectiveness over them. [I didn't want my family] to be in the spotlight whatsoever because I don't think that's fair to just throw someone into it, you know?" Here's the picture : http://i34.tinypic.com/10zbfh3.jpg He also expresses his acknowledgments to the fans on his blog, for their supports and best wishes for the future, which goes like this : "I'm aware that the Alternative Press story in which I briefly discuss my family has leaked early. Thank you to those who've given their support and kind words and understanding. I've done nothing but try and protect those closest to me, and I've come to a point in my life where I've shared basically every emotion and inner detail of my life with the fans but this one, until now. Thank you for respecting my personal life, for in sharing this, the respect extends both ways." source : http://thewilliambeckettblog.com/post/192565399/saturday-night-music-club-42-something-corporate#disqus_thread