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They are imaginary lines drawn on spheres such as the earth, sun, moon, planets to simplify the location of points of interest.

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Q: What is north and south meridian and east west parallel?
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What is the difference between quadrant and azimuthal notation?

An azimuth is the direction measured in degrees clockwise from north on an azimuth circle. An azimuth circle consists of 360 degrees. Ninety degrees corresponds to east, 180 degrees is south, 270 degrees is west, and 360 degrees and 0 degrees mark north. Quadrant bearings are written as a meridian, an angle, and a direction. For example, a bearing of N 25 W defines an angle 25 degrees west measured from north

What is the meaning of the triangular symbol?

Triangle Unusual creativity or talent. -pointing up Success -pointing down Failure The triangle is thought to be the most stable of shapes and appears in the art and religious imagery of many ancient cultures. Gods and goddesses of many pagan pantheons are said to be of triple aspects. Feng Shui regards the triangle as a fire element for all they see it as incomplete and unbalanced, and it is auspicious when placed in the south. As a protrusion from a building they are excellent for the south-west and north -east corners, but will cause a loss of luck if placed in the north-west or west corners.

How you can relate Pythagoras theorem in real life?

Suppose you want to get from your house, located on the south-west corner of a field (rectangular shaped), to your friend's house, located in the north-east corner of the field. You can follow a road 4 miles East then 5 miles North for a total of 9 miles. You want to know how far it would be to get to your friend's house if you walked across the field. By pythagoras's theorem you know the distance from your house to your friend's house is sqrt(4^2+5^2)=6 miles. So going across the field saves 3 miles. that's your answer please ask another question we know everything

A light house is 10 miles northeast of a dock A ship leaves the dock at noon and sails east at a speed of 12 mileshour at what time will it be 8 miles from the light house?

12:16 and 39 seconds. It is too hard to explain the answer without diagrams.

How did Cyclone Tracy start?

Cyclones are perfectly normal weather phenomena, common in northern parts of Australia. Cyclone Tracy began as a depression in the Arafura Sea on 20 December 1974. It gradually moved in a southwesterly direction, whereupon it intensified. After that, it moved sharply in an east-southeasterly direction, then headed straight for Darwin. For details on how cyclones occur, see the related links.

Related questions

Is the equator a parralel or a medridian?

The Equator is a parallel, which runs east/west. The Prime Meridian is, redundantly, a meridian and runs north/south.

What direction does latitude lines or meridian lines go?

Latitude lines run east-west, parallel to the equator, while meridian lines run north-south, converging at the poles.

At what latitude does the prime meridian lie?

The Prime Meridian is a Longitudinal line. That is, it runs North and South between the poles. Latitudinal lines run parallel to the equator and measure distance North or South of the equator. They run East and West, perpendicular to longitudinal lines. The Prime Meridian is at all latitudes.

Is most of Europe north or south of the prime meridian?

The prime meridian runs north and south through England, so most of Europe is EAST of the prime meridian.

What types of lines run north and south but measure east and west of the prime meridian?

Lines of longitude run north and south but measure east and west of the prime meridian.

Are meridians of longitude measured north and south of the prime meridian?

They are measured east and west of the Prime Meridian. They run north-south across the globe from the North Pole to the South Pole.

What lines run north and south but are measured east and west of prime meridian?

Longitude lines run north ans south and latitude lines run west to east an easy way to remember is longitude has the word long in it you know the those lines are vertical lines and that the latitude lines are the horizontal linesThe Prime Meridian is the line made out of all the points on earth that have zero longitude and every possible latitude.

Is the equator parallel or a meradian?

Lines of equal Latitude run parallel (ie never cross) East-West (such as the Equator) Lines of equal Longitude (Meridian) run North-South and cross at the Poles.

Is Europe on the eastern or western side of the earth?

Neither. The Prime Meridian runs north to south, so a place can only be east of west of it. Most of Europe is east of it and a small part is west of it.Neither. The Prime Meridian runs north to south, so a place can only be east of west of it. Most of Europe is east of it and a small part is west of it.Neither. The Prime Meridian runs north to south, so a place can only be east of west of it. Most of Europe is east of it and a small part is west of it.Neither. The Prime Meridian runs north to south, so a place can only be east of west of it. Most of Europe is east of it and a small part is west of it.Neither. The Prime Meridian runs north to south, so a place can only be east of west of it. Most of Europe is east of it and a small part is west of it.Neither. The Prime Meridian runs north to south, so a place can only be east of west of it. Most of Europe is east of it and a small part is west of it.Neither. The Prime Meridian runs north to south, so a place can only be east of west of it. Most of Europe is east of it and a small part is west of it.Neither. The Prime Meridian runs north to south, so a place can only be east of west of it. Most of Europe is east of it and a small part is west of it.Neither. The Prime Meridian runs north to south, so a place can only be east of west of it. Most of Europe is east of it and a small part is west of it.Neither. The Prime Meridian runs north to south, so a place can only be east of west of it. Most of Europe is east of it and a small part is west of it.Neither. The Prime Meridian runs north to south, so a place can only be east of west of it. Most of Europe is east of it and a small part is west of it.

Does the prime meridian run across the whole world?

No. A meridian goes north to south, not east to west.

What is the measurement of distance north or south of the prime meridian?

Latitude is the measurement of distance north or south of the Equator. Longitude is the measurement of distance east or west of the prime meridian.

Is longitude north and south?

No, longitude measures how far east or west a location is from the prime meridian. Latitude measures how far north or south a location is from the equator.