This day is the midpoint of a common year because there are 182 days before and 182 days after it.
June 33 July 34 August 34 These temperatures are in Celsius.
Mount Logan is the highest mountain that is located in Canada and is the 2nd highest peak in North America. The elevation of Mt. Logan is 19,551 feet.
66 feet
Florida gets the most tornadoes in June, July, and September. June and September are just about tied, each averaging between 8 and 9 tornadoes per year.
ADDING: same sign, add and keep that sign. opposite sides, subtract their absolute values and use the sign of the number with the larger absolute value SUBRTRACTING: change the sign of the subtrahend (2nd number) then ADD using rules above.
July 2nd 1962 was a Monday.
Monday 2nd July 2012
July 2nd 1999 was a Friday
July 2nd 1983
Trifles of Importance - 1940 was released on: USA: 13 July 1940
Technically if you were talking you would say July 2nd as in second. Not July two.
July fourth is Independence day. It is the day America became it's own country!
July 2nd, 1932 was a Saturday.
July 2nd 1971 was a Friday.
2nd July 1952 was a Wednesday.
July 2nd 1969 was a Wednesday.
July 2nd 1776 was a Tuesday.