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0=45 degrees?

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Q: What part of the Earth's surface is represented at 0 45 and 90 degree angles?
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a surface bar which is shaped like a staple with two 90 degree angles.

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90 degree angles.90 degree angles.90 degree angles.90 degree angles.

Can the summation of the angles of a triangle be more than 180 degree?

Not if the triangle is in a plane. But the answer is YES for a traingle on a convex surface - such as the surface of the earth.

Why are latitudes and longitudes always expressed in angles?

1). They are both intervals on the curved surface of a sphere, so units of linear measurement would not do the job. 2). In the case of longitude, all longitudes merge (come together) at the north and south poles. So the distance represented by 1 degree of longitude is not the same distance everywhere. It depends on your latitude.

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a nautical mile is a minute (1/60th) of one degree of the earths surface so it corresponds to maps

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2 90 degree (right) angles

Why are all obtuse angles not the same size?

They are not all the same because obtuse angles vary from 90 degree angles to 180 degree angles.

What angles are greater than 90 degree but less than 180 degree?

They are obtuse angles.

What angles does a octagon have?

It has eight 45 degree angles.

What angles does a rectangle have?

Four 90 degree angles.

What four angles does a rectangle have?

All 4 angles are 90 degree angles.

Does Perpendicular lines form four 180 degree angles?

no, it makes four 90 degree angles