From Greek.Trigon comes from 3-sided figure, now known as a triangle.
Metry comes from measurement.
I can give you several sentences.I have to take trigonometry next year.Trigonometry relates to triangles.I never did understand how to do that trigonometry problem.
Bartholomaeus Pitiscus is best known for his book called Trigonometria which was first published in Heidelburg in 1595. It consists of work on plane and spherical trigonometry. The book had the first recorded mention of the word "trigonometry".
root word-trigonometria tri-three gonia-angle metron-measure
It is a number - in trigonometry or elsewhere.
Geometry did not originate in India.
Hipparchus of Nicaea (190 BC to 120 BC).
I can give you several sentences.I have to take trigonometry next year.Trigonometry relates to triangles.I never did understand how to do that trigonometry problem.
It is the study of triangles and their properties. The word 'trigonometry' means three measurements.
The word trigonometry originates from the two Greek words 'trigon' and 'metron'. While 'trigon' has the meaning of triangle, 'metron' means to measure. The literal translation of the word trigonometry is to measure triangles.
It is trig.
Example: Trigonometry.
Where does Thank you originate?
Yes, the word "bolshy" does originate from the "bolsheviks".
Algebra and trigonometry
trigon = triangle metry = measurement.