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Q: 1 bacteria at the start every hour it doubles so after 1 hour there are 2 so how much after 24 hours?
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How long does it take an onion to start growing bacteria?

It takes less than 72 hours for an onion to start growing bacteria.

If there was one bacteria on a piece of meat left in a nice warm place for five hours how many would be present at the end of this time?

Bacteria breed at different rates.The answer to your question would depend on what the bacterium was. IF we could assume that it is a bacteria that doubles every 20 minutes under these particular conditions, 1 bacterium would turn into 214 or 16384 bacteria. Again, realize that growth rates will vary and, when it comes to food, you almost never start out with only one bacterium.

How many bacteria are produced in four hours if a bacteriaum divides once in half an hour?

Let's assume you start with one bacterium: Step by step this gives you: ½ hour: 2 1 hour: 4 1½ hours: 8 2 hours: 16 2½ hours: 32 3 hours: 64 3½ hours: 128 4 hours: 256 You will notice that the number doubles each hour. So you can just apply the formula: bacteria = 2t, where t is the number of time periods. In this case we have 8 half-hours, so that's 28, or 256.

What does q8hr mean?

med should be given every 8 hours from start..

What is the mathematical formula for a bacteria that duplicates itself every 10 minutes?

If there were b(0) bacteria at the start, there will be b(0)*2^t where after 10*t minutes.

Bacteria split at what rate?

Bacterium undergo a process called binary fission, where a bacteria cell grows in size to copy its DNA and split into two identical cells. Bacterium split into two seperate bacteria cells every minute.

Does the equator received 12 hours of daylight every day?

Only twice a year on the equinox (start of spring and start of fall).

How often do you have to change a sanitary napkin?

Every 3-4 hours or it will start to smell!

How long does it take for a puke virus to incubate?

well, it depends on the virus itself. If you understand how viruses replicate themselves then you can understand how long they will take to make you sick. Typically things that make you sick to your stomach are bacteria that you may ingest from eating food, drinking water, etc. Bacteria can multiply about very 20 minutes. If you ingest say one bacteria cell, the number of cells will double exponentially every 20 minutes. So say after 8 hours you could have 1000000000000000000000000 bacteria cells in your stomach. At this point your body may start responding and you start puking or other bodily changes start to take place to get rid of the bacteria. these bodily changes can make you sick. If it is a virus that you are infected with then it could take hours to years to make you sick. Virus replicate themselves in your body differently than bacteria do, so they could lay dormant for a long time and not replicate for years, or replicate very quickly and make you sick within a matter of hours. If you are really sick to your stomach, chances are it is probably a bacterial infection and you could go to your doctor and have them check your stool as you may have a bacteria infection that goes dormant for a while, and could make you sick every couple of weeks.

What happens if you eat a turkey that has been left partially cooked at room temperature for 12 hours and then cooked?

You can't. Bacteria will start to grow almost the second it is out.

How long does it take for Bacteria to grow on bread?

Bacteria can start to grow on bread within a few hours to a few days, depending on factors such as temperature, moisture, and the type of bacteria present. Storing bread in a cool, dry place can help slow down bacterial growth.

How many bacteria are there after 5 hours?

Bacteria multiply every 15 mins (on average), so...3 x 60 = 180180/15 = 12This means that the bacteria will multiply roughly 12 times.Assuming you start off with just 1 bacteria...After the first 15 mins, it would have multiplied itself, so you would have 2 bacteria, and so on. So...1 - 1 x 2 = 22 - 2 x 2 = 43 - 4 x 2 = 84 - 8 x 2 = 165 - 16 x 2 = 326 - 32 x 2 = 647 - 64 x 2 = 1288 - 128 x 2 = 2569 - 256 x 2 = 51210 - 512 x 2 = 102411 - 1024 x 2 = 204812 - 2048 x 2 = 4096So you would have roughly 4096 bacteria after 3 hours