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Q: According to Pythagoras which had a real and separate existence outside your minds?
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Pythagoras did his work outside along with the Pythagoreans

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to take no interest in activities outside their homes

What was the expected of women according the concept of separate spheres?

To take no interest in activities outside their homes

What was expected of women according the concept of separate sphere?

To take no interest in activities outside their homes

If the universe is finite what is outside it?

The name Universe refers to all that there is in existence, therefore nothing can be outside it.

Who discovered the existence of galaxies outside the milky way?

The person who discovered the existence of galaxies outside of the milky way was Edwin Hubble. He also discovered that galaxies move away from each other with a constant acceleration, leading to the big bang theory.

Was the dragon in character in The Canterbury Tales?

The dragon in "The Canterbury Tales" appears in "The Nun's Priest's Tale," a story told by one of the characters. It is a fictional character within the tale, therefore it did not have a separate existence outside the story. The dragon is depicted as a formidable creature in the tale.

Does a refrigerator have a separate fan from the freezer?

Outside, no. Inside, it depends on the model.

What did scout mean when she commented that Calpurnia had a separate existence outside our household and that she even had a command of two languages?

Scout meant that Calpurnia had a life and identity beyond serving their family. She lived in a different community and had her own set of skills, such as being able to speak both black and white dialects. This highlighted Calpurnia's autonomy and rich cultural background outside of her role as their housekeeper.

What is the outside of the membrane called?

Membranes do not have a stiff outside. I suspect the answer you are looking for is the cell wall, which is a stiff structure found outside the cell membrane of a plant cell, but separate from it.

Why was it impossible to separate the Magdeburg Hemispheres?

It is impossible to separate the Magdeburg Hemispheres because the push of pressure on the outside is not balanced by the push of pressure from within.

What is the stiff outside of the membrane called?

Membranes do not have a stiff outside. I suspect the answer you are looking for is the cell wall, which is a stiff structure found outside the cell membrane of a plant cell, but separate from it.