Russell describes that a man who is free of fear,oppression and frustration can be called a happy man.His future shall be happy and joyful.
bertrand russell essay name can man be rational
Omer Khayyam was a great poet and a prominent mathematician of the Islamic world. Bertrand Russell remarked about him with the following. "Omer Khayyam is the only man known to me who was both a poet and a mathematician".
There have been several famous men (and women) from England who were humanists including Aldous Huxley, Bertrand Russell, Harold Pinter, E M Forster, Vanessa Redgrave, Polly Toynbee, Claire Rayner etc.
It looks as though Roger Jouret, the man known as Plastic Bertrand is still alive.
Colin Russell
Russell Brand Russell Brand ~
Happy Man was created in 1979.
Russell Edson Fables has written: 'What a man can see'
Russell Crowe played boxer Jim Braddock in the 2005 film 'Cinderella man'?
Yes Jeff is a happy man