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Q: Did Archimedes invent the method of exhaustion?
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Did Archimedes invent the pulley?

Yes. Archimedes did invent the pulley.

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Did Archimedes invent the lever?

no, he did not !he explained how the lever works, the rule, the law, he did not invent it!

Why did Archimedes invent all of the inventions he did?

i think Archimedes's invented his inventions cause they deal with math

Advance did Archimedes make?

Archimedes, known more formally as Archimedes of Syracuse, was an Ancient Greek inventor, engineer, astronomer, physicist, and mathematician. As one of the greatest mathematicians from ancient times, one advance he made was anticipating modern calculus by proving many geometrical theorems using the method of exhaustion as well as the concepts of infinitesimals.

How did Archimedes make pi?

Archimedes made pi by using the method of exhaustion to calculate the area under the arc of a parabola with the summation of an infinite series. From the method of exhaustion, he gave a remarkably accurate approximation of pi (3.141593). The more sides a polygon has, the closer the approximation approaches pi. Pn is the perimeter of a regular polygon with n sides circumscribed around a circle with diameter d. The formula Archimedes used to calculate pi is: pi equals limits over number of sides to infinity multiplied by the perimeter of a regular polygon divided by the diameter.

When did Archimedes invent the catapult?

He didn't invent the catapult it was dionysius and he invented it in 399 B.C.

Did Archimedes invent trebuchetes?

yes he was a brilliant inventer

Why did Archimedes invent the compound pulley?

Archimedes invent the compound pulley around 250 BC. The invention was to utilize leverage to make moving a heavy object easier.

How did Archimedes invent the Archimedes screw?

Yes but it may or may not have been invented before his time by others.

When did Archimedes invent the death ray?

November 5th 2076