Well... sort of. He invented a machine that was similar to the computer; an information keeper and answerer, the forerunner to the computer. So in a way, yes and no! Hope this answers your question! :)
Charles Babbage
An analytical engine is a mechanical general-purpose computer which was designed and envisaged by Charles Babbage, but never built.
He designed the Analytical Engine in the 1830s, but never built it.
Charles Babbage. It was designed as a general purpose programmable computer, mostly to be used to compute tables for navigation and mathematics.
Charles Babbage
Though Charles Babbage achieved many things. But Charles Babbage Does not achieve his all goals. Without completing his Difference Engine he went to Analytical Engine. He designed the first programmable machine , the analytical engine. Though he did not complete it fully due to lack of resources and money. But he was right in theory. After some the Analytical engine was finished by some computer scientists and Charles Babbage was credited the "Father of Computers"..
Charles Babbage
Analytical Engine
Analytical Engine
Charles Babbage first designed the Difference Engine. His second design was the Analytical Engine which was a programmable machine. Neither invention was actually built in his lifetime, but the Difference Engine was built to his plans in 1991in the Science Museum in London, England.
He wanted to build a mechanical computer. He designed it and called it the Analytical Engine. He never finished building it, though.