Archimedes is a limited edition Special Horse on Howrse.
Here is a bit of info on how he was obtained...
Archimedes is the horse of knowledge; he appeared in the game to reward the best contributors in the quiz. His intelligence level changes according to the answers that the players give to the questions he asks. Every day, Archimedesgives one aging point to all the players who correctly answer his questions.
Unfortunately, this horse can no longer be claimed as Howrse Quiz is no longer being run by Owlient. You may be able to buy him from the sales if you're lucky.
No, Archimedes is a Special horse and therefore cannot reproduce.
Well, if you're talking about the Archimedes, you have to be an Ancient Contributor to Howrse Quiz. An old quiz site Howrse had, but they shut it down. But any ways, if you did quizzes and stuff, they gave you a Archimedes.
For Howrse [Archimedes]: Wax
On Howrse there was a quiz and the highest contributors got him as a reward.
Archimedes, I think. He's the one from Howrse Quiz who gives out aging points!
If you are talking about the questions with Archimedes, you are going to have to search the answer.
Answer an Archimedes' question.
You can't. Howrse got rid of them.
You buy one in the private sales or auctions, usually for a good price.
There are a lot of Archimedes on howrse, in Nyx's forum, I think there's a list with all of them. Also if you look at some of the tip players pages, one of them is bound to have a link to an Archimedes.
You answer the question that is at the top, although on some Archimedes there isn't a question Irish Prince - International Server PSHLover - UK Server
no, its impossible, sry friend me I'm ellaumbrella on howrse