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Q: Did Leonardo Fibonacci work with anyone else?
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Where did Leonardo Fibonacci work?

He worked on the Fibonacci number. It goes like this: 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, . . .

What is Leonardo Fibonacci's theory?

He invented the Finonacci number system. He figured it out after trying to work out how rabbits breed. eg: 1,1,2,3,5,8 etc. The first 2 numbers added up equals the 3rd number. 1+1=2. 2+1=3. So on and so forth. Hope i helped...

Why does Fibonacci sequence work?

Work for what?

Who else contributed to the development of Leonardo da Vinic's work and abilities?

Katenado la Winletti

Who is Leonardo da Pisa?

If you mean Da Vinci he was never married and had no children.

Did Leonardo da vinci work with anyone interesting?

Well, he did a lot of work for the Medici family, as well as for the infamous Cesare Borgia.

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What was Leonardo of Pisa's education?

Leonardo of Pisa, also known as Fibonacci, received his education in mathematics by studying under Arab mathematicians while traveling with his father in North Africa. He learned the Hindu-Arabic numeral system and other mathematical concepts that would later influence his work in introducing these ideas to Europe.

What mathematical discoveries did Fibonacci make?

Fibonacci, also known as Leonardo of Pisa, made several notable mathematical discoveries. His most famous work is the introduction of the Fibonacci sequence, a series where each number is the sum of the two preceding ones. He also introduced the Hindu-Arabic numeral system, which is now widely used around the world, replacing Roman numerals. Additionally, Fibonacci made significant contributions to number theory, algebra, and the study of irrational numbers.

How do you work-out for skinny people?

EXACTLY the same as anyone else.

Who was Fibonnaci?

Leonardo Fibonacci was an Italian mathematician. His so-called Fibonacci number system relates to any number in an infinite series in which each number after 1 is the sum of the two preceding numbers. For example 1,1, 2, 3, 5, 8. This 12th century mathematician was an easy to understand system to more easily work with pi or phi.

Where did Leonardo do it?

leonardo did his work in florence, italy