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No, it does not. That phenomenon is explained by Bernoulli's principle.

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Q: Does Archimedes' principle explain how airplanes fly?
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How does Archimedes's Principle help us?

It helps us to fly.

Why does Bernoulli's principle allow objects to fly?

Bernoulli's principle states that as the speed of a fluid increases, its pressure decreases. This principle helps explain how airplanes can generate lift: as air flows faster over the top of an airplane wing, its pressure decreases, creating a pressure difference that lifts the wing upward.

Why do cats not fly airplanes?

Because cats do not have the capability to fly airplanes.

Why does a person fly in airplanes?

Because people are not able to fly without a airplanes.

Can you fly airplanes on Grand Theft Auto IV?

You are unable to fly airplanes, however you can fly helicopters.

Why do airplanes fly straight?

Airplanes need to fly forward in order to stay in the air. They need air passing over the wings in order to stay in flight. Without air passing over the wing, bernoulli's principle can't take effect and the airplane would fall.

Why do airplanes fly on the stratosphere?

Type your answer here... airplanes fly in the stratosphere to avoid weather problems

How do airplanes takeoff?

Airplanes need to generate lift in order to take off and fly. The way they do this is to go fast enough on the ground so that the air passing over the wings generates lift in accordance with Bernoulli's principle. When sufficient speed is attained to generate the necessary lift, the plane will fly.

What makes paper airplanes fly?

Lift makes paper airplanes fly, just as it does real planes.magic

How many airplanes fly in the air each day?

2,000 airplanes fly in the air each day.

What does airplanes have to do with flying?

They fly.

What is the differences between trains and airplanes?

Airplanes fly, trains don't.