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I would say math helps in so many aspects. If you would never use math after college, you may think taking math or calculus in college is totally useless. Actually, it improves our radical thinking skills and help you grab the true meaning of a lot of things. All kinds of natural science subjects and engineering are related to math, same with economics, finance, mg mt, and even philosophy.

I would say math helps in so many aspects. If you would never use math after college, you may think taking math or calculus in college is totally useless. You also get online math help and you get math help for all grades. Actually, it improves our radical thinking skills and help you grab the true meaning of a lot of things. All kinds of natural science subjects and engineering are related to math, same with economics, finance, mg mt, and even philosophy.


Last year I asked a builder, that I hired to add a room onto my house, what he was thinking about so hard. "Well", he said, "I have this triangle that I'm trying to figure the angle for. I know the other two angles but not the third one, which is the one I need". I told him the sum of the angles in a triangle must always add up to 180 degrees, so just subtract the other two from 180. I didn't know if he believed me until the next day when he told me it "Really worked". He was so impressed that he learned something new he could use ,he talked about it for days. So you never know when your math knowledge might come in handy. I was able to help someone out with my math knowledge and now that person can use the math in his work. And I totally agree with the answer above. The more you know about math the better you will become at understanding all things because it teaches you to reason and think logically.

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Quick example, the law of probability states that anything over 10 to the 50th power, is impossible to happen when it comes to probability. And the number of quantum states a person can be in to occupy the state that they do, and for it to be exactly as it is in your living, breathing form, is 10 to the 10 to the 70th power. so thats 10^10^70. Therefore deductive reasoning (which is also a math thingy you do, particularly in geometry.) would deduce that, mathematically, it would be impossible for your body to have appeared by chance.

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