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Xena = Ξενα

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Related questions

Was Xena a real person?

Xena is not in Greek myths. She is based upon the Amazons who were warrior women. No one killed any Greek gods, since they were immortal. Heracles was the name of the srongest man who ever lived. Hercules was his Roman name. Xena is just a TV show and has little relation to Greek myths.

Was xena warror princess a viking?

No. Xena was a Greek from Amphipolis.

Can Xena kill archangel Michael?

No, Xena is a fictional character of Greek Mythology.

What dose the name Xena mean?

Xena is possibly a variant of Xenia, derived from Greek: ξενία, meaning "hospitality".Or it's a diminutive of Zenaida, derived from the Greek" Ζηναις, Zenais, meaning "of Zeus".

What is the name of Xena mother in series Xena Warrior Princess?

Cyrene is the name of the mother of Xena.

Where is xena originally from?

Xena is from Amphipolis. It's an ancient Greek city in what is now Central Macedonia.

What is the name of the mother in the series Xena warrior Princess?

Cyrene is the name of the mother of Xena.

What is the planet xena in welsh?

The Welsh name for the dwarf planet Xena is "Persephone."

Is xena in the solar system?

Xena was the provisional name for Eris. So yes

What is Xena's dog's name?

Xena doesn't have a dog stupid its her horse who is named Argo

Are Eris and xena the same planets?

Yes. "Xena" was a provisional name given to Eris.

Did Xena warrior princess had children?

Xena had to children a boy and a girl. The boy's name is Soland and the girl's name is Eve.